What drives me to create with code?

I have always been interested in technology and problem solving since I was a young child. I grew up getting to watch modern technologies solve some of the worlds most unique problems, and I love getting to build things to continue the evolution of technology.

My Work

  • 417 Mowing

    A very elegant website for a local landscaping company.

  • Bottlecap

    A website for a band local to Bozeman Montana.

  • Fit One

    A robust website for a local personal training studio

  • Melody Match

    A fullstack application for users to find love with Spotify

  • Fortnite Database

    A lightweight NextJS application for Looking up Fortnite Statistics

My Skills

I love getting to keep up with the latest tools and technologies, and am always excited and hungry to learn more.

As a frontend developer, I possess a wide range of skills that allow me to create beautiful, responsive, and user-friendly websites. My expertise lies in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and I am also familiar with popular frontend frameworks such as React, and Next JS. I am comfortable with Git version control systems, SEO, and I am also skilled in creating animations and graphics with tools such as Photoshop and Finalcut Pro. I am constantly staying up to date with the latest web development trends so I can create the best possible experience for users. I also like to write things sometimes!

I'm based in Springfield, MO
and am open to both local and remote opportunities.